8 Fun And Popular Dog Tricks Any Dog Can Learn

Whether you’re a seasoned dog parent or new to the canine companionship club, teaching your furry friend some cool tricks can be a delightful experience. Not only does it strengthen your bond, but it also keeps their minds sharp and bodies active. Plus, let’s be honest, it’s downright adorable. So, grab some treats, and let’s dive into 8 fun and popular dog tricks that virtually any dog can master. Ready, set, fetch!

1. Sit

A Classic Starter

How To Teach A Dog To Sit, Sit And Stay & More - Canine Journal

Starting with the basics, ‘sit’ is usually the first trick most dog owners teach their dogs. It’s like the ABCs of dog tricks. Simple yet essential, it forms the foundation for many other tricks. Just hold a treat above your dog’s nose, move your hand back, and as their head tilts up, their bum will naturally go down. VoilĂ !

2. Paw (or Shake Hands)

A Gentleman’s Greeting

How To Teach A Dog To Shake Hands | Dutch

Who doesn’t melt at a dog offering their paw? It’s not just cute but teaches dogs good manners. To teach this, ask your dog to sit, then hold out your hand and say “paw.” If they don’t respond, gently lift their paw while saying the command. Remember, praise and treats are key!

3. High Five

Up Top!

How to Teach a Dog to High Five (and Impress all Your Guests) | The Dog  People by Rover.com

Once your dog has mastered giving their paw, upgrading to a high five is a breeze. This time, instead of grabbing their paw, you’ll encourage them to slap your open palm with theirs. Some dogs might get this on their first try; others may need a few goes. Either way, it’s a crowd-pleaser.

4. Roll Over

A Tumbling Triumph

Roll Over, Rover! How To Teach Your Dog This Fun Trick | Fear Free Happy  Homes

This trick might require a bit more patience but is incredibly rewarding. Start with your dog in a ‘down’ position, then use a treat to guide their nose to the side and around, encouraging their body to follow. It might take some practice, but the result is a show-stopping trick.

5. Play Dead

Dramatic Flair

Learn How to Teach a Dog to Play Dead | Purina

“Bang!” and your dog flops over to play dead. It’s a trick that never gets old. After mastering ‘roll over,’ teaching ‘play dead’ is easier. Use a command like “bang!” and help guide your dog onto their side to ‘play dead.’ Reward them for staying still, even if it’s just for a few seconds at first.

6. Fetch

A Game of Give and Take

Teaching your dog to Hold & Fetch [Slightly Advanced Tricks]

Fetch isn’t just a game; it’s a trick that involves retrieving and giving back. Start by throwing a toy and encouraging your dog to go after it. Once they’ve got it, entice them back with a treat in exchange for the toy. Before you know it, you’ll have a fetching pro on your hands.

7. Speak

Finding Their Voice

Decoding Dog Talk - The Farmer's Dog

Teaching your dog to “speak,” or bark on command, can be both fun and useful. Wait for a moment when your dog naturally barks, then add the command “speak.” Reward them immediately. Soon, they’ll associate the command with the action. Just be ready for a more vocal household!

8. Spin

A Whirling Wonder

Peculiar Pet Facts: Dogs Love to Spin | Diamond Pet Foods

Last on our list, but certainly not least, is teaching your dog to spin. Hold a treat near your dog’s nose and slowly lead them in a circle until they spin around. Once completed, give them the treat and lots of praise. It’s a quick trick to learn and a fun one to show off.


Teaching your dog new tricks is about more than just the cool factor. It’s a way to engage their minds, enhance your bond, and ensure they’re getting mental and physical exercise. Remember, patience and positive reinforcement are your best friends in this journey. Every dog learns at their own pace, so celebrate the small victories along the way. Ready to start training? Your dog is eager to please and learn. Happy trick teaching!


1. How long does it take to teach a dog a new trick?

It varies greatly depending on the trick, the dog’s age, their learning speed, and how consistently you train. Some tricks can be learned in a single session, while others might take weeks.

2. Are treats necessary for training?

While not the only way to train, treats are a highly effective method of positive reinforcement. You can also use praise, toys, or play as rewards.

3. Can old dogs learn new tricks?

Absolutely! Older dogs might need a bit more patience and time, but they are certainly capable of learning new things.

4. How often should I practice tricks with my dog?

Short, daily sessions are more effective than long, infrequent ones. Aim for 5-10 minutes a day.

5. What if my dog isn’t interested in learning tricks?

Not all dogs show interest in all tricks. Try different tricks to see what excites your dog. Also, ensure you’re using high-value rewards and keeping the sessions fun and stress-free.

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